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Electrim Digital Mash Tun / Boiler - 0613a 0613a

A plastic 32 litre mash tun and boiler complete with digital thermostat and fitted tap. The control unit has a digital display where the desired temperature can be set within the range 0-100 deg C. The liquid then warms to, and then maintains this temperature, whilst the display shows the current sensor temperature.

  • Accuracies of +/- 1 degree C at 60 deg C can be achieved.
  • Unfortunately free shipping is not available on this item.

UPC code:0613

Manufactured by:Peco

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Paypal Invoice or credit card by phone on 01772 431030 or we will contact you.

Currency GBP
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Electrim Digital Mash Tun / Boiler - 0613a 0613aGBP114.99 each

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