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Selection Cantia - 0431 0431
The pride of Italy's Tuscany region, this blend is famous for its full, dry character and elegant flavours of cherries and blackberries. Sturdy and robust, with tangy undertones and a slight spiciness. Ageing uncovers its complex depth of flavour.

  • Only 8 litres of water to add.
  • Makes 30 bottles of red wine.

UPC code:0431

Manufactured by:Winexpert

Payment Methods
Paypal Invoice or credit card by phone on 01772 431030 or we will contact you.

Currency GBP
RefDescription PriceQuantity RequiredAdd to Basket
Selection Cantia - 0431 0431GBP73.95 each

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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928