| GBP7.49
Little Bottler
Lever tap with bottling attachment. |
| GBP4.59
5 litre Plastic Fermenting Bin - 0815 0815
Plastic brewing bin with lid. |
| GBP4.99
10 litre Brewing Bin - 0816 0816
Plastic brewing bin with lid. |
| GBP6.99
15 litre Brewing Bin - 0817 0817
Plastic brewing bin with lid. |
 | GBP9.49
25 litre Brewing Bin - 0818 0818
Plastic brewing bin with lid. |
| GBP12.99
25 litre Brewing Bin with Tap - 0818a 0818a
Plastic brewing bin fitted with lever tap. |
| GBP26.99
60 litre Brewing Bin - 0820 0820
Heavy duty plastic brewing bin with lid and side handles. |
| GBP13.99
25 litre Plastic Fermenter - 0821 0821
Plastic fermenter with 4 inch neck and twin carrying handles. |
 | GBP17.49
25 litre Plastic Fermenter with Tap - 0822 0822
Plastic fermenter with 4 inch neck and twin carrying handles. Complete with fitted tap. |
| GBP40.75
30 litre Plastic Fermenter with Tap - 0823 0823
Heavy duty fermenter with full size aperture and screw top. Complete with fitted tap and large airlock. |
 | GBP51.00
60 litre Plastic Fermenter with Tap - 0824 0824
Heavy duty fermenter with full size aperture and screw top. Complete with fitted tap and large airlock. |
| GBP91.86
120 litre Plastic Fermenter with Tap - 0826 0826
Heavy duty plastic fermenter with full size aperture and screw top. Complete with fitted tap and large airlock. |
| GBP129.99
210 litre Plastic Fermenter with Tap - 0827 0827
Heavy duty fermenter with full size aperture and screw top. Complete with fitted tap and large airlock. |
 | GBP26.99
23 litre Glass Carboy - 0911 0911
Tall design and clear glass. |
 | GBP17.95
Better Bottle Fermenter - 0911a 0911a
Better-Bottle fermentation carboys are made of a special PET that has negligible O2 permeability, is odorless, and does ... |
 | GBP15.95
Better Bottle Fermenter - 0911aa 0911aa
Better-Bottle fermentation carboys are made of a special PET that has negligible O2 permeability, is odorless, and does ... |
| GBP2.99
Better Bottle Bored Bung - 0911b 0911b
Bored rubber bung for Better Bottle |
 | GBP5.99
Better Brew Demijohn - 0911c 0911c
Better-Bottle demijohns are made of a special PET that has negligible O2 permeability, is odorless, and does not ... |
 | GBP19.99
Better Brew Carboy - 0911d 0911d
Better-Brew carboys are made of a special PET that has negligible O2 permeability, is odorless, and does not ... |
 | GBP22.99
Better Brew Carboy with Tap - 0911d 0911d
Better-Brew carboys are made of a special PET that has negligible O2 permeability, is odorless, and does not ... |
| GBP3.99
Carboy Cap - 0912 0912
Twin outlet to fit 23 and 25 litre carboys (narrow neck). |
| GBP4.08
Carboy Carrying Handle - 0913 0913
For use with the 23 litre carboy. |
 | GBP11.99
32 litre Bin / Fermenter - 0914 0914
Great dual purpose vessel for wine or beer. Takes a standard airlock. |
| GBP14.99
32 litre Bin / Fermenter with Tap - 0914a 0914a
Great dual purpose vessel for wine or beer. Takes a standard airlock. Fitted with tap. |
| GBP0.99
Plastic Bubbler Airlock - 0923 0923
| GBP0.60
Plastic Handy Airlock - 0924 0924
Small cylindrical type. |
| GBP1.59
Super Major Plastic Airlock - 0925 0925
Large cylindrical type. |
| GBP7.25
Jumbo Airlock - 0926 0926
As supplied with heavy duty fermenters. Extra large cylindrical type. |
| GBP0.69
Plastic Airlock Stopper - 0928 0928
Use instead of rubber bung. |
| GBP1.79
Plastic Safety Cork - 0929 0929
Safety cork to fit gallon jars. |
| GBP0.55
Solid Rubber Bung - 0930 0930
To fit gallon demijohn. |
| GBP0.55
Bored Rubber Bung - 0931 0931
To fit gallon demijohn. |
| GBP0.35
Solid Cork Bung - 0932 0932
To fit gallon demijohn. |
| GBP0.35
Bored Cork Bung - 0933 0933
To fit gallon demijohn. |
| GBP1.30
Drilled Rubber Stopper - 0934 0934
30 mm by 37 mm bored rubber bung. |
| GBP1.30
Solid Rubber Stopper - 0934a 0934a
30 mm by 37 mm solid rubber bung. |
| GBP3.49
Fermenter Tap with Backnut - 0957 0957
To fit 24-25 mm hole. |
| GBP3.49
Lever Tap - 0958 0958
Fits basic barrels. |
| GBP4.89
Drum Tap with Backnut - 0959 0959
To fit 24-25 mm hole. Use as a spare tap for King Keg, Beershere etc. |
| GBP0.55
Spare Backnut - 0963 0963
To fit plastic taps. |
| GBP0.55
Spare Tap Washer - 0964 0964
To fit plastic taps. |