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Liqueur & Spirit Making Kits, Prestige & Essencia Essences
Spirits and Liqueurs Make your own delicious liqueurs in only 4 weeks. Choose from an extensive range of Prestige Essences. We have taken the decision to discontinue Condessa and Prohibition. We firmly believe that a combination of Hambleton Bard Base Liquors and Prestige Essences will produce a superior result.
Liqueur & Spirit Making Kits, Prestige & Essencia Essences

Vinland Base Liquor Kits
Vinland, Swedish 6 & 30 bottle Vodka kits and spirit flavourings. Use together with Gert Strand Essences for ...
Vinland Base Liquor Kits
Prestige Liqueur & Spirit Essences
Use these high quality essences with base liquor or Vodka.
Prestige Liqueur & Spirit Essences
Essencia Spirit Flavours
The essencia range of flavours offer the home user a range of spirit and liqueur flavourings previously only ...
Essencia Spirit Flavours

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Leyland Home Brew
15 Chapel Brow,  Leyland,   Lancashire,  PR25 3NH   United Kingdom
Tel: 01772 431030   Fax: 01772 451928