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Beer Making Kits

Beer Making Kits

We have a wide selection of beer making kits to suit all pockets and tastes, every major manufacturers beer is available here along with a lot of very different and unique flavours. Go on treat yourself, try something new, you never know what pleasures you may find in the taste of a new beer.

Why not try making a beer from Arkwells their strong beer kits provide you with anything up to forty pints, this beer is brewed originally in Swindon and was first made to celebrate the GWR's one hundred and fiftieth anniversary.

You could also choose the Bruces Dogbolter, from these kits you can make twenty four pints of very strong ale. The ale is full bodied with a unique strong taste and has been around for nearly thirty years now, this is the time when its creator David Bruce manufactured the first ever pub brewery.

The John Thompson beer making kits have a unique flavour that has made them famous throughout the brewing community. You can make up to forty pints with this kit. when making beer you should always invest in enhancer, this is a product to use instead of sugar to help improve the taste of your creation. The product helps keep the head on your pint and also improves the body.

No matter what your taste you will find beer making kits and an assortment of ingredients and equipment to help you make something you will enjoy time after time. We also have a range of books for beginners who are just being introduced to the world of home brewing.

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